Spring has SPRUNG! That means it’s time to tackle those Spring Cleaning projects. But before we start let’s get some tips to make it Quick & Painless!
Hey everyone, welcome back! I’m Lindsay, with the Wise Move AZ Team at RealtyONE Group. If you want to stay up to date on all things Anthem and Real Estate then you need to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel. Pro Tip: You’re also going to want to hit that little bell icon so that you’re the first to know when our new videos are posted every single Thursday!
Spring is all about warmer weather, blooming flowers, birds chirping, sun shining, and all that beautiful stuff, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah! Spring is all those things, but is also means that we need to tackle some of the home maintenance and cleaning projects that we’ve been putting off, right?!?
As your Anthem Arizona REALTOR® I love helping people to keep there greatest investment in tip top shape. By regularly maintaining and cleaning your home you are not only helping to protect it’s value, but also making it way more enjoyable to live there!
That being said, cleaning and caring for your home can be a daunting task. In today’s video I’ll be giving you 5 tips to make it as quick and painless as possible.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a lover of lists. Honestly, nothing makes my ‘Type A’ heart sing more than being able to cross something off a ‘to-do’ list when it’s done. So, before you start cleaning, sit down and make a list. List off all the projects you need to get done, who is going to do them, an estimate of how long they will take and when you are going to do them. I’ve put together a template, that you can download and fill out to help you stay on track. You will find a link to this template here!
As you are filling out this template, be sure to set realistic goals, so that you don’t feel stress or pressure. If you can, focus on just one project at a time. This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. By giving estimates of how long each project will take, you can make sure that you pick projects that you actually have time for. For example, if cleaning the gutters is going to take 4 hours, it probably doesn’t make sense to start that project after a long day at work when you realistically only have 1 hour to commit to cleaning. By making this list in advance, you can start projects based on how much time you have available.
Spring cleaning can be a great time to go through things like our junk drawers, clean out under the sink, and even tackle the dreaded garage. The one thing that all of these areas have in common is that they often have little things that are hard to keep organized. I like to use baskets, boxes, and bins to keep everything contained. I also like to label them so that I know what’s inside, without having to tear everything apart. The dollar store is often a great place to find containers. Be sure to grab a variety of sizes before you start, so that you don’t have to constantly keep running out to buy more.
I don’t get a lot of time to read books for fun, so I am very particular about what books I read when I do. A few years ago, a colleague gave this book: ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo. Now this might sound a bit dramatic, but I am telling you this book changed my life. It completely changed the way I look at things around my house and forced me to make some tough decisions that have led to a happier home. If you have time and are interested, I would strongly recommend you read it. Either way, I encourage you consider switching to the KonMari Style of folding. This is one small part of the book, but basically, she has you fold your clothing in such a way that it stands up on its own, and so that you can see all of your clothing at once. No more having things buried at the bottom of the drawer that you can’t find. This method of folding saves space and makes it easier for you to see what you have.
It is such a pain when you are in the middle of cleaning something, and realize you don’t have enough rags, or the right kind of cleaning product and you have to get up go all the way across the house, dig out what you need, and go back. Not to mention, this is not an effective use of your time. To save you time and energy consider getting a cart, tool belt, or apron that holds all your supplies. That way, when you need something it is right there!
TIP #5: (This one might be my favorite, guys!) LISTEN TO A GOOD PODCAST OR AUDIO BOOK
I am a podcast NUT, I listen to podcasts in my car, at the gym, and any chance I get. By finding something good to listen to while you are cleaning, it becomes way more enjoyable. Personally, I find it too distracting to have the TV on while I am cleaning because I keep having to look up to see who’s doing what. But, if I listen to a podcast I can stay entertained and focused on the task at hand.
So there you have it, 5 tips to make your Spring Cleaning quick and painless. Don’t forget to download your free template to help you stay organized throughout the process.
I want to hear what Spring Cleaning project you are planning to tackle first, so drop me a comment below. Personally, I’m going to tackle under the bathroom sink…wish me luck!
Happy Cleaning! See YOU, next Thursday